Monday, December 14, 2015

From one Beatbox Mom to Another...

Dear Jamie,
            We don’t know each other.  Well, we don’t know each other well.  We’ve probably smiled as we’ve walked into Beatbox together.  We’ve probably dropped our kids off at the same time, and we’ve tried to grab our breath in between songs.  And we’ve probably made eye contact and took a deep breath when “that song” came on.

But, I feel like I know you.  The Beatbox community is a place where people belong and where women, especially, find a safe place to be the women we were created to be.  This is a place where there are no “mom wars” or comparison games.  Because of this, Ellen has created a place of support, love, and sweat.

When I heard the news Friday afternoon, my stomach dropped.  As a mom of toddlers, I knew you must be terrified.  I knew you probably had to leave your class early in a panic, and I stopped and prayed.  I didn’t know what to pray, and I still don’t, but I couldn’t complete my day as usual.  I was silent before the Lord all day silently begging him to do what we all wanted Him to do.  I couldn’t sleep, because Beatbox Moms stick together.  If one of us is pleading with the Lord through the night, then I was too. 

This is not about me.  This is about surrounding you in prayer.  As a teacher and mom of a 2 year old boy who loves rain boots, I find myself weeping for you as I can’t imagine the pain and sorrow you are experiencing.  I am so so so very sorry. 

I believe in the power of prayer. There have been times in my life, where pain was too real and too big and prayers wouldn’t come.  There have been times where I have needed others to pray, because I was unable to.  We serve a God who weeps with you, who grieves alongside you.  I believe in a God who answers our cry for help.  So I pray this over you. 

Father, we pray for help.  We pray for peace and rest.  In the night, when it’s quiet, and the guests have left, I pray for Your overwhelming peace to come in the darkest times.  I pray for the body of Christ to surround Jamie in ways she didn’t know she could be loved.  I pray that every little need, like milk in the fridge and laundry, is done by someone before Jamie even realizes it’s a need.  I pray for Jamie in those moments when Madeline asks innocent questions, which cause great pain to answer.  I pray for the days when people will come and go, and conversations will be a mixture of painful and joyful.  I pray for strength and rest during these days.  I pray that Jamie doesn’t doubt how extravagantly you love her.  And when she does, I pray you would send grace and love in ways that are undeniable.  I pray she knows it’s ok to not be strong all the time, and it’s ok to ask for what you need.  And it’s ok to not know what you need.  I pray for help for this mom, sister, and dad.  I pray that you would invade their home and make your presence known.

I sit in quiet in front of the creator, and I wait for the King in a state of expectation during this Advent season.  Your Beatbox family wants you to know that you’re loved.  You’re an incredible mom. And you are not alone.

Love from a Beatbox Mom,


  1. Liz, I am a coworker of Jamie's and we have cried many, many tears for this precious family. Your words are just beautiful and I wish that I could express my thoughts as eloquently as you have done.
