Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A letter to Fin's class

This week, Fin is the "star student" of his class.  We were supposed to write a letter to his class about him.  This is it.

Dear Fin’s class,
            We are Fin’s parents, and we heard that Fin was the star student of your class this week.  We can’t wait to tell you about how special he is.  There are so many things we love about Fin.  Here are some things you should know about Fin.

1.     He is the best brother in the world.  When he was two, he got a brother named Granger.  Baby Granger cried and cried when he was a baby, and Fin would just kiss him and say, “It’s ok Granger.”  Even now, he always helps his brother.  Sometimes he helps Granger build towers out of legos, or he helps Granger feel brave when he’s scared at bedtime.  Granger is lucky to have a brother like Fin.

2.     Fin is a super-duper extra creative kid.  That means he uses his imagination to think of really fun things.  Sometimes he pretends he’s a fireman. Sometimes he is a soccer player, and sometimes he pretends to be a photographer, like his daddy.  He is very smart, and his brain is always busy thinking of new things to play.

3.     Fin’s name is extra special, and his name is special to our family.  He is a fourth. That means his daddy is named “William Finley Knowles III,” and his Poppy is named “William Finley Knowles II,” and his great Granddaddy is the first “William Finley Knowles.” Fin’s real name is William Finley Knowles, but we call him Fin because that’s a long name to say.  We think his name fits him just perfectly.

4.     Fin is cautious.  He likes to make new friends, but he always likes playing with friends he already knows.  Some of his favorite friends are adults, because Fin’s mommy and daddy have people over a lot to have dinner.  Fin likes people who are nice, fun to play with, share, and people who like to listen to their teacher and mommy’s. J

5.     Fin is special to us, because he is our boy.  We love him like crazy.  We love to spend time with him and watch him grow into a big boy.  You are so lucky Fin is in your class.  If you don’t know him, you better say “hello,” because he is one of the coolest cats you’ll meet.

We love you Fin, and we’re proud of you every day!

Mom and Dad

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