Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Hours of TCAP

Hours of preparation. Hours of work. Hours of collaboration. Hours of worry. Hours of stress. Hours of being told I wasn't doing the right thing. Hours of feeling like I failed before I even started. Hours of feeling like I was alone. Hours of wishing I could inspire instead of teach A, B, C, and D. Hours of analyzing data. Hours of asking myself,"How can I be better?" Hours of telling my kids they mean more to me than scores. Hours of lying in bed wondering if I'm a good teacher or simply ignorant to the fact that I should've picked something different. Hours of wondering if my administration believes in me. Hours of trying to leave work at school but feeling guilty for not bringing it home.

And I kept working. I kept doing my best. While I felt hopeless sometimes, I gave it all I had.

Hours of testing. Hours of checking roster after roster. Hours of sharpening #2 pencils. Hours of directions. Hours of bubbling in little circles. Hours of praying. Hours of hoping. Hours of believing. Hours of doubting. Hours of waiting. Hours of no scores.

And then the scores came back.

And all those hours turned into proficient and advanced.

And I knew my hours were spent in the right place.

1 comment:

  1. you have succeeded far beyond these tcap scores in these kids' lives.

    i love how you wrote this...and it gave me chills when i finished.

    you are an amazing teacher and woman Liz Knowles.
