Sunday, August 6, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year

Every August, the hustle and bustle of school supply lists, bulletin boards, and new backpacks remind me that a new year is beginning.  A new year of learning, assisting students towards knowledge, and guiding kids towards becoming their own person, capable of surviving and thriving in a world after graduation.  As I enter my eighth year, I am humbled at the task set before me yet again. 

Every day, I have the opportunity to move children towards greatness or not. I can move them towards independence or not. I can move them towards managing emotions and fears or not. I can teach them they are worthy of  the world or not. I can assure them they have a place in this country, despite their culture and language, or not.  I have immense power and every interaction, email, smile, and my attitude can give children the world and inspire teachers who have the hardest job in the world.

To the parents sending their kindergarten and pre-k babies to school for the first time, I pray that I am the person you know who will take care of your baby.  Whether I am welcoming them, changing their clothes after an accident, or calming them down when they’re upset, I pray that you see that your child is ready, safe, and welcome.  I know you are sending me your very best.

To the first year teacher, I pray you know that you are supported.  I want to show you that you picked the best profession, and your opportunities are endless. I pray you see that we’ve all been there, you’re strong, and a respectful classroom community will take you farther than any lesson plan.  I pray you know it’s admirable to ask for help, and I’m rooting for you.

To administration, I pray that you know that I’m watching from afar and amazed at the work you do. I know you work late and long hours dealing with the worst situations that keep you up at night. I pray you know that I support you, and I appreciate the big things and little things you do that don’t get seen.  Your job is difficult, and you get a lot of the groaning.  Thanks for keeping your head up.

To the tired teacher who is entering another year, I pray you know that I’m watching and learning from you.  I want to know what’s worked and what hasn’t. I still want to see that spark in your eye when the kids walk in.  I want to know if this is a field that I should dig my heels into as I watch your happiness, fulfillment, and desire to grow. I pray you know that we are collaborators and moving towards the same goal for kids.

To the kids.  This. Is. All. For. You.

To the kids who don’t have the words to say what they want and need, I pray that we find a way to communicate and understand your desires, preferences, and connect in new ways.  I pray that you see us celebrate small victories and still hold high expectations for what you can do and who you’ll become. I pray that we never assume you aren’t capable of something and that we always show you that you are more than we, your parents, or you can imagine.  May we give you ways to become independent and always be kind, patient, and encouraging. 

To the kids who struggle to read, I pray you know that we have a plan.  You have teachers that will give you the skills and tools to attack words so that you can become a fluent reader. It’ll be hard, and you will have days where you are immensely frustrated. I pray you know that you are supported, smart, and on your way.  May you never feel “less than,” and I pray that you know the whole team is rooting for your success.  No one is giving up until you reach your goals.  Your life depends on it.

To the kids who “always get in trouble,” I pray that I am a safe place where you are valued just for being “you.” I pray that you learn to ask for what you need, identify your feelings, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you aren’t a “bad kid.”  I pray you know you are protected when you’re in distress. When you feel like fight, flight, or freeze, I pray that the right person is there, at the right time, and does the right thing.  I pray that you will be shown love, acceptance, and warmth when you may not get it anywhere else.

To the kids with homes worse than I can imagine, I pray school becomes your calm harbor.  I pray you are shown kindness and acceptance all day long. I want you to know that you are capable and worthy of excelling, and we’ll hold you to those standards.  You won’t go without food, clothes, and love as long as you’re in our school.  You are braver and stronger than I’ll ever be, and I’m here wanting to care for your needs in any way.  You don’t deserve this, and we will take care of you.   

To the 850 kids that walk through those doors Monday, I pray you are met with a smile and a hug. I know you’re anxious, afraid, excited, nervous, and relieved that school has begun. 

Whoever you are.  Wherever you’ve come from.  Whatever language you speak. 
You got this.  And I’m here. 
Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year.