Saturday, September 4, 2010

Progress of our new house!!!!

Once we found out we were pregnant, we quickly realized our two bedroom townhouse wasn't going to cut it anymore. We didn't know how we'd be able to afford a new place or get out of our lease. Once we started looking at three bedroom townhouses/apts, we also quickly realized that we could buy a house for the same amount of money as moving into a larger place and renting. While we were still unsure and apprehensive, we started the process of looking around. God provided in every way, and we were able to get keys and move in last weekend. We were overwhelmed with the amount of help we received from our friends and family. We truly are loved and very overwhelmed with God's way of providing for us. Enjoy the videos and then come see us!!!!

Hope you enjoyed. I'll post a final one...once everything is settled, which may take years!

Meredith comes home from Russia!!!!

My sister took an adventure of a lifetime, and we all went to greet her. It's taken me awhile to get this up, but I wanted you to be able to watch the excitement of her coming back to the US of A.